What is Your Privacy Policy?

What is your Privacy Policy?

Your personal information is not shared by The BLESS App or its parent ministry, the Mapping Center for Evangelism & Church Growth, with any other institution without your explicit permission except as noted below. No information is ever marketed or sold to anyone.

In order for The BLESS App to provide the services that it does, some information will need to be collected and stored. Here is a list of the information we collect along with how that information is obtained and utilized.

  • Name (input by user, required for identification and display).
  • Email address (input by user, required for confirmation of the account, optional daily reminder emails, login credentials, other system-related communications). Emails are never shared with third parties unless you explicitly give permission to do so or as noted below.
  • Password (input by user, required for login credentials). Passwords are never shared with anyone.
  • Address (input by user, required to create initial prayer list and map).
  • Church affiliation (optional).
  • Association affiliation (optional).
  • B.L.E.S.S. status and tally for each adopted neighbor household (input by user, optional, available only to user).
  • Personal prayer journal for each neighbor home (input by user, optional, available only to user).
  • Manually added neighbors whose name and address are not in our database (input by user, optional).
  • Edits made to the names of a neighbor household (input by user, optional).

Who Has Access to the Data

As a user, there are instances where some of that user's information can be shared with other users of our service. These instances are listed and explained below.

By default, any user that has a Light role will have their name and address available for display to all other users in their “neighborhood”. A “neighborhood” is defined as the Census Block Group in which your house is located. (According to the Census Bureau, these block groups generally contain between 600 and 3,000 people.) The intention is for users of our service to get in contact with each other and build personal relationships to better bless their neighborhoods. Any user can opt-out of this feature at any time on the settings page of their Light role.

In the event that a Light associates themselves with a church or association in the user's Light role settings, the administrators of that church or association will be able to see the Light role's name, address, email address, generated prayer list, manually added or edited neighbor homes, Light role dashboard, prayer map and coverage map. The affiliated church or association's administrators will NOT have access to your password, personal prayer journal for each neighbor home, any other role that is part of the user's account, or any access to a user's Light role settings page or overall account page. Any user can prevent a church or association from seeing the things listed above by not affiliating themselves with a church or association.

The BLESS App staff has the right to access and/or change all user-input data (except passwords) to better serve our users and increase our site's capabilities.

What Information the User Can Control

A user has the right to change the following information:

  • First and last name (in the overall account, not Light name)
  • Email address
  • Password
  • Address
  • Church affiliation
  • Association affiliation
  • B.L.E.S.S. status and tally for each adopted neighbor household
  • Personal prayer journal for each neighbor home
  • Manually added neighbors whose name and address are not in our database
  • Edits made to the names of a neighbor’s household.

At any point that the user decides, any Light role, along with all the information collected in the role, can be removed from our system.

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