What each subscription includes

What each subscription includes

Once you create an organization or church account with The BLESS App, you have the option to subscribe to one of three subscriptions. These include: BLESS Partner, New Movers, and Community Connector.

If you are a church, you have the option to subscribe to our 'Bundle,' which is a combination of all three subscriptions for a discounted rate.

To learn about what each subscription entails, keep reading!

BLESS Partner

Our Bless Partner subscription is the recommended starting product for churches and network organizations. It gives you the tools you need to transform member homes into mission outposts by encouraging them to live out a B.L.E.S.S. lifestyle. Help your members become Lights for Christ in their neighborhoods. Use this add on to follow each of your individual Light's B.L.E.S.S. progress in detail. Visualize your coverage on maps. Learn the names and addresses of homes being prayed for.

With this subscription, you get access to:
  1. The name, address, and email address of all the Lights associated with your church
  1. A real-time map that allows you to track your church's progress in covering your mission field with B.L.E.S.S. actions
  1. The ability to view every individual home that your Lights have adopted, along with the progress your Lights have made with the people in that home
  1. A map allowing you to view where your Lights are located as well as the overall nationwide B.L.E.S.S. progress

Note: Associations can do all of the above as well as track multiple churches and other associations.

Note: When combined with the New Movers add-on, your Lights get automatically paired with the nearest new movers.

New Movers

With this tool, you will be able to see who is moving into your mission field. You will receive a weekly update on the newest people that are moving into your area. These people are likely to be looking for a new church home and may accept an invitation to your church. Visualize them on a map, and pair them with your closest members, send them a gift or invitation to join your community.

With this subscription, you get access to:
  • A weekly list of up to 25 households that have moved into a 15-mile radius of your organization

  • The list includes name, address, and how many miles they moved from their last address

  • Weekly movers are also plotted on your map and can be filtered to show the most recent movers

  • As an administrator, you will receive a list of the Lights and new movers that were connected

  • These people are more likely to accept an invitation to your church as they are possibly looking for a new church home or new community to join

Community Connector

With this tool, you get high-information demographic data, mapping and mailing lists. The Community Connector gives you an unparalleled look at nearly every home in your area. This service gives you the most comprehensive toolset to connect with your community. The best way to reach people is to know who you are reaching.

With this subscription, you get access to:
  • See your mission field like never before with information on nearly every home in your area.

  • Each home contains more than 10 different likely attributes including length of residence, marital status, age group, and more

  • Apply multiple filters of likely attributes to search for specific groups of people

  • Easily create projects to learn more about who lives in specific zip codes, neighborhoods, or even down to a single street

  • Develop specific neighborhood maps for prayer-walking

  • Download your projects to create targeted mailing lists and summary reports

  • Connect with Church Community Builder software

  • Household information updates every 12 weeks

  • Integrates with our other products

  • And much more!

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