Viewing and downloading your weekly New Movers

Viewing and downloading your weekly New Movers

InfoNOTE: The information in this article applies to organizations (churches or network ministries) with an active New Mover subscription.

The New Movers subscription gives your organization a weekly list of up to 25 people who recently moved into your community. The list is manually generated and processed on Tuesday each week.

Viewing and downloading from the map
  1. Log in to your account and select the church or network organization role that has a 'New Movers' subscription. You can quickly switch roles by clicking the 'Account' tab on the left-hand panel and selecting the role you would like to switch to.

  1. When you are viewing the correct organization (evidenced by the correct name in Dashboard), click the 'Map' icon on the left-hand panel.

To view your New Movers on the map, click the 'New Movers' heading under the 'Layers' section of the control panel.

InfoNote: If your organization has a New Movers subscription and does not have a Community Connector subscription, your New Movers will be turned on by default when loading the 'Map' page. If the 'New Movers' layer is green in the control panel, that layer is active.

You will see sub-categories titled 'Fresh' and 'Archived'. Click 'Fresh' to expand that section to see recent New Movers.

Expanding the 'Fresh' section will cause the last 6 weeks worth of New Movers to appear on your map. Use the toggles to select only the New Movers you would like to view or download.

Click any of icons that represent your New Movers on the map to open an info-box that features the name, address, and distance of move of that New Mover, as well as approximately how long ago that record was added to your account.

To download a list of the New Movers that are currently visible on the map, click the 'download' button at the bottom of the 'Fresh' section.