How to View My Church's Coverage - Partner Church Portal

How to view Prayer Coverage as an organization

Note: The instructions in this article refer to viewing prayer coverage as a church or network ministry. If you are an individual, please see this article instead:
  1. Understanding the "Your neighborhood" section of your dashboard
This feature requires an active Bless Partner subscription.
To view nationwide Prayer Coverage, click the 'MAP' icon while viewing your organization's role:

Using the map, you can view the cumulative nationwide Pray-Care-Share progress of all of the Lights in America.

To enable these overlays, click the 'Prayer Coverage' heading in the 'Layers' section of the control panel. Doing so will expand the section revealing the 5 different layers that you can view.

Click one of the layers to activate it on the map.

Below are the definitions for each of the 5 types of overlays in the 'Prayer Coverage' Layer that can be viewed with a Bless Partner subscription.

  • Adopted: Homes that appear on at least one prayer list of a Light who is using
  • Prayed: Homes that have at least one Light who has recorded one or more prayer for the occupants of that home.
  • Cared: Homes that have at least one Light who has recorded a care action such as an act of service for the occupants of that home.
  • Shared: Homes that have at least one Light who has recorded that they have shared the gospel with someone living in that home.
  • Discipled: Homes that have at least one Light that has identified the occupants of that home as being a follower of Christ.

Activating any of the 'Prayer Coverage' layers will cause your map to be divided into sections. These sections will change depending on the current scale of your map. The current map scale can be found in the bottom-right corner of the map. At 1 mile/2 kilometers or less, the map will be divided into Census Block Groups. These are geographic divisions used in the census that typically contains between 600 and 3000 residents. At 2 miles/5 kilometers or more, the map will be divided into counties, parishes, and boroughs.

The sections of the map will be shaded a different color depending on the percentage of homes in that section that meet the criteria. View the legend in the control panel to decipher the information.