I Finished My Prayer List, Can I Get a List of New Names?

I finished my prayer list. Can I get a list of new names?

This ministry is meant to be an ongoing movement of a Pray, Care, Share lifestyle for households right around your own home. As you continue to highlight your journey with your neighbors, ask God to show you whom He would like you to personally reach out to, consider hosting a neighborhood event for people right on your street, or others who have become A LIGHT near you. We recommend you continue to pray for your neighbors and continue to update your LIST and MAP with your progress of each neighbor. You can also adopt up to 250 households if you would like more neighbors for which to pray.

Visit our TRAIN & GROW section for more information on how to continue to B.L.E.S.S. your neighbors. You can find Train & Grow at the top-right corner of your account page on the yellow navigational ribbon.

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