How to create a mailing list for a specific neighborhood

How to create a mailing list for a specific neighborhood

 Go to the Map tab on your church's account.

Then select "Households"

Click on the filter you would like to apply. For this example we are using "Children present." Deselect "Children not present"

Scroll down to "Projects" and select "New"

You can name the project whatever you'd like. Then select whatever shape of the area you would like to use (circle, rectangle, polygon)

You can drag the selected shape to the desired neighborhood area. You can also adjust the size if needed. When you are happy with the area, select "save"

Then select "download"

Select "Household Mailing" and hit "download" once again

This will save a mailing list to your device. When you open it, it will have the mailing address of all of the addresses with children present in the area you selected.

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