Change which days you receive prayer reminder emails
The BLESS App offers you the convenience of scheduling which days you would like to receive an email reminder of your next 5 neighbors to pray for and engage through a B.L.E.S.S. lifestyle. The default days to receive these emails is all seven days each week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday). If you would like to change these days, you can follow the steps listed below. Also, if you find that you are not receiving reminder emails, you may want to check to make sure you are set to receive an email at least one day each week.
- Sign into your account on our website.
- Make sure you are viewing the correct Light role. Some accounts may have multiple Light roles and each one has its own settings. If you do have multiple Light roles, you can switch between them by clicking 'Account' on the left-hand panel of the page and selecting the role you would like to view.
- While viewing the correct Light role, click the 'Settings' tab on the left-hand panel.
- Under 'Email Settings' you will find the section to select the days you would like to receive your reminder email.
- Mark each day you would like to receive your reminder email by adding a check mark next to the day.
- Click 'Save changes' at the bottom of the page to confirm.
You have now customized your prayer reminder email schedule.
NOTE: if you are receiving multiple reminder emails per day, you most likely have more than one Light role. Please read this help article that discusses roles so that you can get a better understanding of how your account is structured: 'Understanding Roles.' If you discover that you do unintentionally have two or more light roles and decide that you would like to delete any of them that you deem unneeded, you can follow the instructions in this help article: 'Delete a role from your account.'
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