If you are having trouble logging in, have forgotten your password, or would like to update your current password, please refer the following steps.
Change your current password
Log into your account
Click the 'Account' tab on the left-hand panel.
Scroll down until you see 'Password'
Input your new password in both boxes.
Note: Make sure to fill in the same password in each of the two fields (needs to match). Make sure the password is more than 8 characters. Make sure to use a mixture of letters, numbers, and symbols.
Note: Make sure to fill in the same password in each of the two fields (needs to match). Make sure the password is more than 8 characters. Make sure to use a mixture of letters, numbers, and symbols.
In the event you have forgotten your password, follow these simple steps. Go to log into your account. Under credential fields, click on 'Forgot password?'. Enter your email address and click on the 'Reset Password'. An email will be sent to you with ...
To edit or change your account's email address follow the instructions below. Note: Changing the email address will change where you receive your daily emails as well as your login credentials. DESKTOP Log into your account. Click 'Account' on the ...
To edit or change your Light role's address follow the instructions below: First, make sure you are logged into your account and viewing the Light role that you would like to change. Click the 'Settings' tab in the top-right corner of the page. ...
The BLESS App offers you the convenience of scheduling which days you would like to receive an email reminder of your next 5 neighbors to pray for and engage through a B.L.E.S.S. lifestyle. The default days to receive these emails is all seven days ...