Add homes to your BLESS list
When your BLESS list is initially created, we assign the closest 40 homes to your address to get started. However, you can easily add nearby homes if there are specific homes you are wanting to be on your prayer list. This article walks through how to add homes from the map. This is the recommended way to quickly add homes to your BLESS list. There is a link at the bottom of this article for how to add a missing home that is not found in our database if this method doesn't have a home you are trying to add.
To begin, make sure you are viewing the account role you are wanting to customize. Most users only have one role. Clicking this link will take you to the dashboard of your most recently used account role:
If you aren't sure and you want to view and select from all of your account roles, click this link:
- From the 'Dashboard' of your Light role, select the 'Map' tab.
- In the bottom-right corner of the page, you will see icons that can be selected to perform different actions or add different overlays to the map. Select the icon that features a home icon with a plus sign as seen in the screenshot below. If using a non-touchscreen device such as a desktop computer with a mouse, hovering your cursor over the icon will cause the 'Add new homes' label to appear.

- You will know that you have activated the 'Add new homes' layer when there is a green bar underneath the icon and black and white home icons appear on the map.
- These icons represent the addresses that are available for you to select. Click an icon to open its infobox and view the address and the current names of the people currently believed to be residents. Choose 'add' to add it to your BLESS list.
NOTE: There are occasions where the location of home icons is not precise. You may want to click nearby icons, especially those that appear in clumps, to see if any of the icons represent a home you are wanting to add.
NOTE: The homes that are shown as selectable on the map are the closest homes to your entered location that are currently present in our database of homes. There are limits applied to which homes will show up using this method. The limits are either the 1000 closest homes or homes within approximately 1 kilometer, whichever is reached first.
Once you have added a home, you may want to make adjustments using the instructions in these articles:
- 'Edit names on your BLESS list'
- 'Adjust the location of an incorrectly placed home'
NOTE: Once a home (unique address) is added to your prayer list, the home itself will remain on your list unless you remove it. The residents listed may change as people move in or out and you, other users, or we (Bless Every Home) make changes to the data.
If you have followed the instructions in this article and a home you are wanting to add is not selectable on the map, please see the instructions in this article:
- 'Manually add a missing home to your BLESS list'
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